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icon, logo, podcast, goodbye bullshit, hello happiness, atousa raissyan, self help podcast, spiritual podcast


Goodbye Bullshit, Hello Happiness

Streaming on Spotify, Apple, YouTube, Google, Pandora


The host, Atousa Raissyan, has "Soul Talks" about life, choices, happiness, transformation, healing, parenting, empowerment, magic and so much more. This cutting-edge show is designed to demonstrate that life, healing and spirituality can be easy bu breaking open those beliefs and getting you to follow your internal guiding system (i.e., your intuition) is the Golden Key!

“I started this podcast to inspire people to change their lives and start releasing their bullshit and recognize the ease of living a happier life, experience magic in every day life and manifest a fulfilling life. My guests are ordinary people living extra-ordinary life full of magic."


Get Spiritual Guidance Free

Do you have a question about how to say Goodbye to Bullshit in your life or how to say Hello to Happiness? Type your questions below and tune in to hear the answer. This is like having a free spiritual guidance session, where you send your question before hand and tune in to hear the answers. We all have the same questions in common.

Do you have a life guidance question? Ask here.

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